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Introducing Realtime Carbon Footprint Analytics

Posted on by Thom Krupa

In today's world, where sustainability is becoming increasingly important, it's essential to monitor and reduce our carbon footprint. As businesses and individuals, we all have a role to play in reducing our impact on the environment. That's why we're excited to announce the launch of our latest feature - Realtime Carbon Footprint Analytics - which will help you monitor and reduce your carbon footprint.

The current state of CO2 calculators

Have you ever tried using a CO2 calculator to estimate your website's carbon footprint, only to find that it doesn't account for all the dynamic elements of your site? You're not alone. Many CO2 calculators simply scan your website and use popular algorithms to estimate carbon emissions based on the transfer size and monthly visits.

But what about lazy loading content, client-side routers, and personalized content for different users? These factors can significantly impact your website's carbon footprint, making it difficult to accurately estimate using traditional CO2 calculators.

That's why we've developed a new approach to measuring website carbon emissions. Rather than relying on transfer size and monthly visits, we collect all requests from the website and store them as logs in our database. This allows us to account for dynamic elements, lazy loading, client-side routers, and personalized content, providing a more accurate estimate of your website's carbon footprint.

With our approach, you'll have a better understanding of your website's impact on the environment, and you'll be able to take steps to reduce your carbon emissions. We're committed to helping businesses and individuals make more sustainable choices, and we believe that our new approach to CO2 calculation is a step in the right direction.

Web Vitals for Carbon Emission

Have you ever used Lighthouse to optimize your website's performance, only to realize that they don't take into account real user data? That's a common problem with lab-environment benchmarks like these. They simply don't capture the full picture of how your website performs in the real world.

At Statsy, we believe in providing a more accurate and comprehensive analysis of website performance and carbon footprint. That's why we've developed a new approach that takes into account real user data, including transfer size, browser cache ratio, and usage of green hosting.

We use the native Performance API to collect transfer size data directly from your website. This allows us to calculate the carbon emissions associated with each page based on the actual data transmitted to the user's device. To account for regional differences in carbon emissions, we still use co2.js to calculate the final emission based on the user's country of origin.

We developed the following metrics:

Understanding your website's carbon footprint is just the first step towards making it more sustainable. At our platform, we believe in providing you with all the information you need to take action and reduce your impact on the environment.

In addition to measuring metrics like Carbon Emission Per Page (CPP), Cache Ratio (CR), and Green Hosting Transfer Percentage (GHTP), we also track first-party and third-party requests. This means we provide you with a full list of requests, including their transfer size and carbon emissions.

By tracking first-party and third-party requests, you'll be able to see exactly which components of your website are contributing the most to your carbon footprint. This information can help you make informed decisions about which parts of your website to optimize or even remove altogether.

We're committed to providing you with all the information you need to make your website as sustainable as possible. Our platform empowers you to take action and reduce your carbon footprint, one website at a time.

By using Statsy and realtime analytics, you'll be able to get a more accurate and complete understanding of your website's carbon footprint and performance. We're committed to helping businesses and individuals make more sustainable choices, and our approach to website analytics is just one way we're working towards a greener future.

Ready to take the first step towards making your website more sustainable? Check out our demo and see how easy it is to get started.

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