Statsy is shutting down

Performance Monitoring

Track Web Vitals

Statsy will monitor your website on regular intervals and notify you if your website goes down. We monitor your website from up to 16 different locations around the world.

Real-Time Analytics

Uncover the real-time impact of your website's carbon footprint, steering towards sustainability with immediate effect.


Regional Emission Insights

Gain nuanced insights into carbon emissions based on the geographical location of users, allowing for a more localized emission reduction strategy.

Group data by pages and countries


Identify the slowest pages

Use cases

User Experience Optimization

By monitoring real user interactions, you can identify areas where users may be encountering slow load times, glitches, or other usability issues. This data helps in optimizing the overall user experience.

Geographical Performance Insights

Understanding how your site performs in different geographical locations helps in identifying the need for local content delivery networks (CDNs) or other region-specific optimizations.


Device and Browser Compatibility

Analyzing performance across various devices and browsers ensures that your site is optimized for all users, regardless of how they access it.

SEO Impact Analysis

Search engines consider user experience as a ranking factor. Monitoring real user performance helps in maintaining or improving search engine rankings.

Monitoring Impact of Changes

After making changes to a website (e.g., new features, design tweaks), real user performance tracking can help in assessing the impact of those changes on user experience.


Strategic Business Decisions

Aligning business strategies with real user needs and preferences by understanding how users interact with different aspects of the site, from product pages to checkout processes.

Frontend Confidence.
Zero Worries.