API Reference
API Basics

Statsy API

The Statsy API is a REST-styled API that gives you access to the data exposed as HTTP endpoints.

API Basics

All endpoints live under the URL https://api.statsy.com.


Access Tokens are required to authenticate and use the Statsy API.

Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>

Creating an Access Token

Access Tokens can be created in the Statsy Dashboard (opens in a new tab).

Content Type

All requests must be encoded as JSON with the Content-Type: application/json header. If not otherwise specified, responses from the Statsy API, including errors, are encoded exclusively as JSON as well.



This endpoint allows you to track a visitor to your website. This endpoint should be called only on the server-side. It's useful if you want to track a visitor without having to load the Statsy JavaScript library.



This endpoint returns aggregated statistical data for the specified domain. The aggregate data may include total counts, averages, or other summarized statistics about visitor data for the domain.



This endpoint provides a detailed breakdown of statistics for a given domain. The breakdown can include specific data points like unique visits, returning visitors, page views, and more.

Realtime Visitors


This endpoint provides real-time data about current visitors on the domain.



This endpoint returns statistical data over time for the specified domain. The data is returned in a format suitable for plotting on a time series graph, making it possible to visualize trends and patterns over time.

Top Stats

Top Pages


Top Sources


Get Carbon Footprint


Get the carbon footprint of a given URL.

Query Parameters

urlstringThe URL to get the carbon footprint for.
includeSubpagesbooleanIf set to true, response will include all subpages starting with the provided URL
countryenumThe Country Code to get the carbon footprint for, by default we try to guess it based on the origin request.

Example Request

await fetch("https://api.statsy.com/v1/carbon?url={url}", {
  "headers": {
    "Authorization": "Bearer <TOKEN>"

Example Response

  "request": {
    "country": "US",
    "countryName": "United States of America",
    "emissionPerKwh": 378.625
  "page": {
    "updatedAt": 1672964316963,
    "pathname": "/blog",
    "transferSize": 287.9,
    "emission": 0.082

Calculate Carbon Footprint

By default, carbon footprint is cached for 24 hours, you can revalidate it by calling this endpoint.


Query Parameters

urlstringstatsy.com/blogThe URL to get the carbon footprint for.

Example Request

await fetch("https://api.statsy.com/v1/carbon?url={url}", {
  "method": "POST",
  "headers": {
    "Authorization": "Bearer <TOKEN>"

Get Greencheck


Get the pagexray of a given URL.

Query Parameters

urlstringdodonut.comThe URL to get the carbon footprint for.

Example Request

await fetch("https://api.statsy.com/v1/greencheck?url={url}", {
  "headers": {
    "Authorization": "Bearer <TOKEN>"

Example Response

  "green": true,
  "hosting": "Cloudflare"

Get Pagexray


Get the pagexray of a given URL.

Query Parameters

urlstringstatsy.com/blogThe URL to get the carbon footprint for.

Example Request

Example Response

  "data": {
    "url": "https://statsy.com/blog",
    "meta": {
      "browser": {},
      "startedDateTime": "2022-12-15T18:11:04.086Z"
    "finalUrl": "https://statsy.com/blog",
    "baseDomain": "statsy.com",
    "firstPartyRegEx": ".*statsy.*",
    "documentRedirects": 0,
    "redirectChain": [],
    "transferSize": 111391,
    "contentSize": 422139,
    "headerSize": 0,
    "requests": 13,
    "cookieNames": [],
    "cookieNamesThirdParties": [],
    "cookies": 0,
    "missingCompression": 10,
    "fullyLoaded": 1262.68994140625,
    "httpType": "h2",
    "httpVersion": "HTTP/2.0",
    "contentTypes": {
      "html": {
        "transferSize": 9071,
        "contentSize": 41771,
        "headerSize": 0,
        "requests": 1
      "css": {
        "transferSize": 19530,
        "contentSize": 98873,
        "headerSize": 0,
        "requests": 5
      "javascript": {
        "transferSize": 70363,
        "contentSize": 214872,
        "headerSize": 0,
        "requests": 3
      "image": {
        "transferSize": 0,
        "contentSize": 0,
        "headerSize": 0,
        "requests": 0
      "font": {
        "transferSize": 0,
        "contentSize": 0,
        "headerSize": 0,
        "requests": 0
      "svg": {
        "transferSize": 12427,
        "contentSize": 66623,
        "headerSize": 0,
        "requests": 4
    "assets": [],
    "responseCodes": {
      "200": 13
    "firstParty": {
      "cookies": 0,
      "contentTypes": {
        // ...
      "requests": 9,
      "transferSize": 98964,
      "contentSize": 355516,
      "headerSize": -9
    "thirdParty": {
      "cookies": 0,
      "contentTypes": {
        // ...
      "requests": 4,
      "transferSize": 12427,
      "contentSize": 66623,
      "headerSize": -4
    "domains": {
      "statsy.com": {
        "transferSize": 98964,
        "contentSize": 355516,
        "headerSize": -9,
        "requests": 9,
        "timings": {
          "blocked": 21,
          "dns": 23,
          "ssl": 86,
          "connect": 86,
          "send": 1,
          "wait": 2642,
          "receive": 14
        "totalTime": 2873
      "cdn.sanity.io": {
        // ...
    "expireStats": {
      "min": 0,
      "median": 31536000,
      "max": 31536000,
      "total": 378432000,
      "values": 13
    "lastModifiedStats": {
      "min": 6489277,
      "median": 6489304,
      "max": 6510129,
      "total": 25978014,
      "values": 4
    "afterOnContentLoad": {
      // ...
    "afterOnLoad": {
      // ...
    "totalDomains": 2

Add Event



This endpoint should be only called from the backend. If you want to track users client-side, please use our tracking script. If you are using a custom domain, you can use it instead of api.statsy.com in the endpoint.

Request Headers

HTTP HeaderValueRequired
X-Forwarded-ForOriginal IP of the user's requestYes
User-AgentUser-Agent of the user's requestYes

Body Parameters

The body of the request should be a JSON object with the following properties:

eventNameThe name of the event. By default it's pageview. Other event names will be considered a custom event (goal).No (default to pageview)
domainThe ID of your Site. You can find it in the site settings.Yes
urlFull URL of the user's request, including query params like utmsNo
labelUser-Agent of the user's requestNo

Example request

await fetch("https://api.statsy.com/v1/beep", {
  "method": "POST",
  "headers": {
    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36 OPR/71.0.3770.284",
    "X-Forwarded-For": "",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Bearer <TOKEN>"
  "body": JSON.stringify({
    "name": "pageview",
    "url": "http://dummy.site",
    "domain": "dummy.site",
    "screen_width": 1666

Example Response

  "status": "ok",
  "message": "Beeped!"