
Filtering Data

Statsy's advanced Filtering feature allows you to segment your data based on a wide range of criteria, providing you with even greater flexibility and depth in your analysis. With the help of GPT-based LLM search, you can easily transform human text into filters, enabling seamless integration of complex filtering logic. In this guide, we will discuss the available filters and logic operators, as well as how to use the LLM search for a more efficient filtering experience.

Analytics Filters
Analytics Filters

Available Filters

Statsy offers an extensive list of filters for you to choose from, ensuring that you can thoroughly analyze your website's performance:

  • Page
  • Country
  • Source
  • Device
  • Browser
  • OS
  • Entry Page
  • Exit Page
  • UTM Source
  • UTM Medium
  • UTM Campaign
  • UTM Content
  • UTM Term
  • Goal

Logic Operators

Filters combined with logic operators, provides you with even greater flexibility and depth in your data analysis. By using logic operators, you can apply precise and targeted filters, such as setting the Page filter to "is /foo" or "starts with /blog". In this guide, we will revisit the available logic operators and demonstrate how to use them to create custom filters.

The available logic operators include:

  • is
  • is not
  • contains
  • does not contain
  • starts with
  • does not start with
  • ends with
  • does not end with
  • regex

Using Logic Operators in Filters

To use logic operators with filters, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the report or metric you would like to analyze.
  • Locate the "Add Filter" button at the top of the page.
  • Click on the button and select the desired filter category (e.g., Page, Source, Device, etc.).
  • Choose the appropriate logic operator from the list (e.g., IS, STARTS_WITH, etc.).
  • Specify the filter criteria based on the selected logic operator. For example, if you chose the "Page" filter with the "IS" operator, enter "/foo" as the criteria. If you chose the "STARTS_WITH" operator, enter "/blog" as the criteria.
  • Click "Enter" to update your data with the selected filter.

You can apply multiple filters with different logic operators to further refine your data analysis.

Example of Combining Filters with Logic Operators

Suppose you want to analyze the performance of your blog pages for users in the United States accessing your website from mobile devices. To create this specific data segment, you can apply the following filters with logic operators:

  • Page filter with the starts with operator and "/blog" as the criteria.
  • Country filter with the is operator and "United States" as the criteria.
  • Device filter with the is operator and "Mobile" as the criteria.

By combining these filters, you can focus your analysis on the desired user segment and gain deeper insights into their behavior on your website.

GPT-based LLM Search for Filters

Statsy's GPT-based LLM search makes it incredibly easy for you to define filters using human text. This advanced feature automatically converts your text input into corresponding filters and logic operators, streamlining the filtering process.

To use the LLM search, simply type your filtering criteria into the search bar, and Statsy will generate the appropriate filters based on your input. For example, entering "Mobile devices from the United States" will automatically create filters for "Device: Mobile" and "Country: United States".