Total Emission

Total Emission

In our pursuit of digital sustainability, understanding the carbon footprint of our websites and apps is crucial. The "Total Emission" metric in Statsy provides a quantifiable measure of the carbon emissions associated with the data transferred during the usage of your digital products.

Understanding Total Emission

The "Total Emission" metric represents the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, in grams, associated with the data transferred from your server to the user's device during a specific period. This includes all the data necessary to load and interact with your website or app, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, and other media files. It also includes data from both first-party and third-party requests.

The calculation of the "Total Emission" metric is based on the "Transfer Size" metric and the carbon intensity of electricity. The carbon intensity can vary greatly from country to country, and in Statsy, we take this into account by using the specific carbon intensity for the country of origin of each user request.

Total Emission and Digital Sustainability The "Total Emission" metric is a key indicator of the environmental impact of your website or app. The larger the total emission, the higher the carbon footprint of your digital product. Therefore, reducing the "Total Emission" metric is a direct way to contribute to digital sustainability and reduce the environmental impact of your digital product.

Reducing Total Emission

There are several strategies you can employ to reduce the "Total Emission" metric:

  • Optimize Transfer Size: As the "Total Emission" metric is directly related to the "Transfer Size" metric, reducing the amount of data transferred can significantly decrease the total emission. This can be achieved by compressing images, minifying CSS and JavaScript files, leveraging browser caching, implementing lazy loading, and reducing third-party requests.

  • Use Green Hosting: The carbon intensity of electricity used by your server can significantly affect the total emission. Using a green hosting provider, which uses renewable energy sources, can help reduce the carbon intensity and thus the total emission.

  • Improve Energy Efficiency: Optimizing the energy efficiency of your website or app can also help reduce the total emission. This can be achieved by reducing CPU-intensive tasks, optimizing animations, and implementing dark mode.


The "Total Emission" metric is a vital part of understanding and optimizing the sustainability of your website or app. By monitoring and reducing this metric, you can significantly reduce your digital product's carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable digital world.