

Real User UX is a crucial part of any website. Clancky and slow UI get your user pissed off which eventually leads to lower conversion rate and overall experience. Bad UX affects SEO.

Statsy allows you to measure Web Vitals with no need for additional scripts or developer's support.

Dashboard overview

Featured Stats

Statsy shows you all the Web Vital metrics you opted-in to track. We take an average from the selected date range.

You can set the percentile in the filters, located in the top right below the header. P75 means we're showing you the 75th percentile of the data. For example, if you have 100 users and the P75 is 1.5s, it means 75 users have a load time of 1.5s or less. The P95 means 95 users have a load time of 1.5s or less.

Top Pages

Top pages are grouped by pathname and ordered by the number of collected vital hits.